Back to Back Issues Page Newsletter---Correct Racket Path For Forehand And Backhand Groundstrokes
July 30, 2013
Dear tennis friends,

When we talk about the racket path of the tennis forehand and backhand groundstrokes to tennis beginners, having them to visualize the racket head's path for the forehand and backhand groundstrokes is easier than just verbal instructions. However if they are able to feel the racket path and do it correctly, that is even more useful!

Check out my latest article on how to feel the correct racket path for the forehand and backhand groundstrokes.

The ideas from this article very effective especially for beginners. There is a video presented by my good friend Tomaz Mencinger to show you exactly how to feel the correct racket path for the groundstrokes. Coaches can also use the methods shared to teach your tennis students.

Check out the article now.

As usual, I welcome your feedback or comments on the article, please leave your comments on the comments box found under the article or you can simply reply to my newsletter.

To your tennis serve success.



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