Back to Back Issues Page Newsletter---Finding Rhythm In Your Tennis Serve
March 18, 2013
Hi everyone,

Finding rhythm in your tennis serve is certainly an important factor to improve your tennis serve. There are many players having difficulties finding the rhythm when they are serving. Read my latest article and try out "The Traveling Serve" to improve your rhythm in your tennis serve.

--> Finding Rhythm In Your Tennis Serve <--

In this article, you will also find a video clip of Roger Federer's serve in slow motion. I want you to take a closer look at his rhythm. Every movement in his serve are very well synchronized and very fluid. This is what every server should establish.

--> Finding Rhythm In Your Tennis Serve <--

Go on and click the link to read the short article. As usual, I will be looking forward to hear your comments or feedback.

If you like this article, please forward to any of your friends whom you think might benefit from this great piece of information.

Committed to your tennis,



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