As you may have noticed, I have added an additional tab on my website called "Mental Tennis". It is located right under "Strategies". For a start, I have uploaded 2 latest articles that are related to mental skills. Many more coming up in the near future. I am so excited about sharing mental skills and strategies to help you in your tennis. The 2 articles that I have uploaded are:
1. "3 Mental Tennis Tips To Boost Your Game". Read this article to learn these 3 effective tips to help you get over quickly when you are down in a game. 2. "5 Tips To Improve Your Focus in Tennis". In this article, you will learn interesting tips to be more focus in your game. For example, how does being more versatile help in your confidence level and why acting plays a part in a game!
After reading the articles, share with me your awesome results after trying to apply my tips in your game. I would love to hear from you.
Committed to your tennis success, Joel p.s. I have an exciting big project coming up and really looking forward to share with you guys soon.
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